
Twitter Says CENSORSHIP was their job description

What kind of  "ORDINARY AMERICANS" think it is OKAY to CENSOR another human beings words without due diligence, proper authority or even proper government credentials ?  TWEETS from a PROMINENT NEWS ORG LIKE NYT ?   Candidates running campaigns for VOTERS, ORDINARY AMERICANS, and PEOPLE who did NOT share their POLITCAL VIEWPOINTS  SHADOWBANNED AND PERMANENTLY SILENCED then laughed at hysterically by bully LIBERALS led by DEMOCRAT POLITICANS screaming CONSPIRACY THEORIST ban them permanently.   Went before CONGRESS in CLOSED DOOR HEARINGS and LIED claiming there was no SHADOWBANNING GOING ON AT TWITTER EVER Thats absurd and unheard of.  The democrats began inscessantly taunting, baiting, and non stop screaming that we were all liars and conspiracy theorists!   Their excuse is absurd : because of a phone call or email from the FBI, a Democrat, Joe Biden, the DNC,  and for hacked material they relied on some guy from FBI when everybody knows that CYBER SECURTY is the realm of D

Is Book of REVELATIONS coming TRUE

 It would seem the words seem to match perfectly but then don't to the doubting Thomas. No CHRISTIAN should doubt the word of GOD. So I can't help but believe we are now living in the end of days, under GODS WRATH, boy is he pissed! DO YOU BLAME HIM?   ¡I DONT!  PEOPLE are ...  ....  I won't even go there. ?@#&*! Shit like this is why GOD is so PISSED off  and its NOT my first word this is the least of our problems People go around ARROGANTLY asking Priests, Pastors, and Ministers and all who are of the CHURCH stupid questions that CHURCH doesn't know but demand they answer or else they what? won't believe in GOD? Thats on you!   Why ask questions about the book of REVELATIOINS when it is a future event?  Wait for it! A Future event CANNOT BE KNOWN until its occurrence in the FUTURE.   DUH !  Quit asking stupid questions and expecting Men of the Cloth to Answer what is a question for JESUS ONLY the PROPHET to answer.  FAITH is harder to grasp with this type of

Ilihan Omar of the SQUAD BOOED off stage by her own supporters from Somalia

 Video of Ilihan OMAR being BOOED off stage by her Somali SUPPORTERS in Minnesota BREAKING: Ilhan Omar booed off stage by 10,000 Somali’s at a concert in HER DISTRICT in Minneapolis, Minnesota. How HUMILIATING — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 3, 2022 AMERICANS ARE WAKING UP QUICKLY ARE THEY NOT? 

Talking to Myself

Hello !! Can you hear me ?  TESTING   Hey! Is this thing on ?    IT's NOT WORKING!   Wheres the button?  okay the SWITCH? wheres the Switch ?  I dont feel nothing ! No it's NOT!   Here you try !  See I told You!    Wheres right here?   JUST PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON ALREADY THERE I believe it is working now ! Hello Hello !! Now you made me FORGET what I wanted to POST!   I think your TRAUMATIZING me on purpose so I dont! I know it is only a damn button but it was lost wasn't it.  I know what to post since you made me FORGET !!\ I AM SORRY WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHINICAL DIFFICULTIES AT THE MOMENT  WE WILL RETURN LATER ONCE THE ISSUE IS RESOLVED.  DONT SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!


 Lets hope the First Amendment continues to be here.  When you take away peoples right to free speech you miss out on all the morons who stick their foots in their mouths.   T his isn't so bad ? quick easy and to the point  and I dont think I pissed anybody off yet.  LETS DO THIS  !!  bcz I GOT THIS A picture is suppose to go here of an American Flag  I cant  cut +paste an AMERICAN FLAG here bcz Im a NEWBIE BLOGGER whos first post isn't even published yet so give me a break I will get it here soon..